However... As promised, here are the final survey results...
Question 1: Where do you use DTP?
a) Standalone in Eclipse for the database functionality (green)b) Within WTP or Dali (JPA) (red)
c) Within a commercial product from IBM, Oracle, Sybase, or other company (yellow)
d) Other (please specify) (blue)
As I said in my last post, this was a bit surprising to me. I had no idea that this many folks actually used DTP for its standalone database functionality rather than as part of a larger suite.
The responses to "Other" included:
- As part of our tool. For reading database meta data and for parsing SQL (planned).
2. How do you use DTP?
a. As a user
b. As a developer
Definitely more use of the DTP toolset for developers than users, but it's nice to see users represented in there as well.
Question 3: Where would you like to see DTP used?
This was an open-ended question and we ended up with three replies:- As a replacement for SQuirreL SQL inside Eclipse.
- As more integrated with the IDE
- Or as a standalone RCP SQL Tool like PL/SQL Developer
Question 4: What functionality would you like to see in DTP? Or what changes would you like to see?
This was another open-ended question with more responses:- Provide documentation about what is supported for each database... e.g. "how do I see an SQL query explain for Sybase ASE or DB2 UDB"?. After hours of experimenting I *think* its not possible but can't tell for sure.
- Offer the ability to specify an order when executing a batch of sql files
- ETL functionality - data extract and load
- Easier handling - see PL/SQL Developer! More DB-Status functions
- Improve the SQL parser as a standalone library
Each of these will probably find their way into Bugzilla as feature requests. And though not all will likely get done, it's good fodder for discussions going forward.
Question 5. Would you like to help with DTP?
There were only three responses - yes, no, and other. The other described itself as "willing to report bugs and test cases", which is great. "No" isn't helpful, but is understood due to a lack of time or resources. And "Yes" is what we always like to hear!All in all, I'm pleased with the results. We received some constructive feedback in addition to simply discovering that our community still has a heartbeat. :)
As I said last time... If *YOU* have more suggestions for us, feel free to join the mailing list ( or put a message on the forum/newsgroup and let us know what you're thinking. As always, we're looking for help - whether it's testing and reporting bugs, contributing patches, or becoming a committer!
Thanks again to everyone who filled out the survey. It helps to know what you are thinking!
Have a great Halloween and a wonderful weekend!